(Idaho State Industrial School Women’s Dormitory)(Idaho State Reform School)

2266 East 600 North, St Anthony, ID


Status: Former Infirmary and Girl’s Reform School; Halloween Tourist Attraction



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Opened in 1924 this home for wayward girls and nearby infirmary was designed to hold 25 girls and reform them to societal normal behavior.

Most of the “students” were sent here against their will. There are stories of beatings and other horrible treatment crossing over the line to abuse. There are even solitary cells to lock up girls who couldn’t be controlled.

Conditions were so bad for some of the girls that they decided it was preferable to take their own lives. Although – statistically speaking – some deaths had to be due to illness or accident (meaning not all were suicides despite the stories) but there are 22 unmarked graves on site.

It is unclear when the school closed – sometime before the 1950’s – but both properties were privately sold and converted into homes.

The current owners had no idea the location was haunted but experienced paranormal activity the first night they moved in. They own both buildings and have turned the hospital into a Halloween haunted attraction featuring actors and a maze.

They also run an Air BNB on site.


Paranormal Activity

Like some other locations, there are some claims at this location being the State’s most haunted location – albeit not by the owners – but there are only a very few claims of actual paranormal activity on site.

The following is what we found: apparitions of the girls who were once forced to live here; disembodied voices and crying; phantom footsteps and feelings of not being alone and not being wanted.