6040 Bowling Green Road, Franklin, KY

(270) 266-1294

Status: Former Residence; Former Hospital; Museum and Paranormal Attraction


Paranormal Investigations can be Booked 

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This house was built between 1847 and 1860 by Andrew Jackson Caldwell.

In 1860 Caldwell and his wife, Harriet, and their family moved into the house.

During the Civil War the house was used as a hospital for both Confederate and Union soldiers.

Confederate soldiers also hid in the house from Union troops from time to time.

Harriet continued to live in the house after her husband’s death in 1866.

In 1916 the house left the Caldwell family and was sold to a Nashville doctor.

In 2001 the Octagon Hall Foundation bought the house – it is one of only 2 octagon houses left in Kentucky – and turned it into a non-profit museum and paranormal attraction.


Paranormal Activity

Only Paranormal Teams with at least 1 year experience can book the overnight investigations. Novice teams will be booked on a novice ghost tour.

Many people consider this location one of the most haunted – if not flat out the most haunted – site in the South.

A Confederate spy called Jerome Clark has been contacted by mediums in the house.

A Confederate soldier who died in the attic still lingers there. He is said to be dragging his leg where he was shot by a Union soldier before escaping to the house and hiding in the attic. It took 3 days for the Union forces to move on and by that time the Caldwells discovered the man had died.

Mary Elizabeth Caldwell died in the basement when she was only 12 years old. She got to close to the kitchen fire and her dress ignited; she died a week later. Mary’s apparition is seen in the basement and throughout the house and grounds and she is known for lightly touching people she likes.

Mary is buried just outside of the home.

Numerous unexplained sounds have been heard and recorded in the house including disembodied voices, singing, sighs and breathing.

Other reported activity: apparitions of both Confederate and Union soldiers; objects moving on their own; doors opening and closing on their own; light anomalies and feelings of not being alone.