Ashley National Forest, Duchesne County, UT

Status: Natural Wonder


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Moon Lake is a high mountain reservoir on the Lake Fork River in the Ashley National Forest. In 1938 The US Department of Reclamation built the dam to increase the size of the natural lake for irrigation purposes.


Paranormal Activity

This lake is haunted by the ghost of a little girl who is said to have drowned in the lake.

Witnesses near or on the lake shore have been approached by a little girl – she is said to be about 7 years old – who is crying and asking for help. The girl is soaking wet; as if she has fallen in the lake; her lips are blue tinged and she is shivering.

Not too many – if any – people can ignore a small child so obviously in need of help. However, once anyone goes to help her, she will suddenly disappear into thin air. Unlike the majority of paranormal activity, the apparition of this little girl appears exclusively during the daylight hours.

For those who don’t see her frequently hear the sounds of crying echoing over the lake. Again, this paranormal activity happens exclusively when the sun is up.

So, I’m sure you’re asking does this ghost doing anything after dark? After the sun sets phantom very loud screams are heard in the woods. Splashes are also heard in the lake but the surface is never disturbed. Late at night phantom footsteps are heard – as an extra creepy factor the footsteps usually circle the tent campers are trying to sleep in.

There also said to be a monster in the lake nicknamed “Moonie”.

The sounds of babies crying are heard along the shore of the lake at night. These are said to be from the “water babies” who will drag the curious to the bottom of the lake.