470 Matoaka Road, Rock, WV

(304) 921-1580

Status: Murder Site; Former Amusement Park; Heritage Property

Paranormal Tours Allowed


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Lake Shawnee Amusement Park (10511866324).jpg

By <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Forsaken Fotos</a> from , Maryland - <a rel="nofollow" class="external text" href="">Lake Shawnee Amusement Park</a>, CC BY 2.0Link


Long before an amusement park sat on this land it belonged to Mitchell Clay. At that time this location would have been on the western edge of what was being colonized by Europeans.

Mitchell came into conflict with the surrounding indigenous population. In 1783 he went out hunting and came home to find 2 of his children had been murdered. A third was kidnapped and burned at the stake in what is now part of Ohio.

In 1926 Conley Snidow purchased the land with the idea of building an amusement park for the families of the coal miners now living in the area.

Between 1927 and 1966, the years the park was open, 6 people died in the park. One girl on the swings hit the back of delivery truck that pulled too far back. Two kids drowned in the pond.

We couldn’t find any details of the other 3 deaths.

The reason for closing the park officially is a failed health inspection. Although, many people think it was just one death too many for the park to stay open.

Twenty years later Chris White – whose father, Gaylord, was a former park employee – bought the park in hopes of opening it again. This plan came to an end when human remains were found in the ground indicating it had once been an Indigenous Burial Ground.

There 13 skeletons found – all indigenous people – the majority being children. The remains predated European colonization.

The park is now open for paranormal investigations. Every October a haunted carnival is run on site for charity.

Before going to the property you need to call the owner, Chris White, at the number above to get permission.


Paranormal Activity

The apparition of a little girl playing on the swings.

Ghosts of other children are seen near the ferris wheel.

At least person has been locked in the abandoned ticket booth. The booth has no locks.

Gaylord was using a tractor on the property when suddenly a little girl appeared sitting on the fender.

One person was physically thrown out of the ticket booth by an unseen entity.

The swings have frequently been seen moving on their own.

Other Activity: apparitions of indigenous people; cold spots; electrical disturbances; light anomalies; feelings of being watched and not being alone; disembodied voices, screams and laughter.